Dal 22 al 24 maggio Radio Papesse ospita Soundscapes & Sound Identities, il 7° Simposio sul Paesaggio Sonoro organizzato dal Forum Klanglandschaft all'interno del Festival Portobeseno 2015: per tre giorni trasmetteremo lecture e ascolti, parleremo con Francesco Michi, Stefano Zorzanello e gli altri sound artist, ricercatori e producer per capire - se esiste - quale sia, l'identità acustica dei luoghi e come sia possibile parlarne.

Le sessioni in ascolto su Radio Papesse sono quelle ospitate nel GRANAIO del Castello dei Beseno. Per il calendario completo invece cliccate QUI

Here it is the program available on Radio Papesse:

Venerdì 22 maggio
ore 12.00
Stefano Zorzanello (I) - Identity and sound identity, which relations within the landscape?

ore 15.00 
Lorena Rocca (I) - Differential spaciality and sound identities compared: ongoing processess.
Massimo S. Russo (I) - Sounds and silence in form of identity?

ore 16.20
Fabrizio Latrofa (I) - From the European Landscape. Convention to parish maps: identity mapping of sounds
Nicola Di Croce (I) - Unseeable landscapes. For an identitary redefinition of the soundscape as intangible heritage

ore 18.30 - Listening session #1 
Nathan Hall (US) - Quick Tour (Minni Íslands)
Daniel Blinkhorn (AUS) - frostbYte - cHatTeR
Sam Salem (GB) - Too Late, Too Far
Stijn Govaere (B) - B'aakal
Pierre Thoma (CH) - Gares - stazioni
Benoit Bories (F) - Boyaca, une disparition 
Elissa Goodrich (AUS) - Oration 2: This Old Man

ore 21.00 - Listening session #2
Katharina Klement (A) - Peripheries (stück II, stück III)
Juan Carlos Vasquez (FIN) - Collage 4 "Landscape"
Una Lee (ROK) - Collage-S
Luc Messinezis (GR) - IsReal
Massimiliano Viel (I) - Allarme al Settimo Piano/ Alarm on 7th Floor
Nicolas, Rodriguez (RA) - El grito
Martina Claussen (A) - #Opera ; Dots & lines 
Peter Plos, Paule Perrier, Luiza Schulz (A) - L.A.B.
Wolfgang Dorninger (A) - Text2field-recordings

Sabato 23 maggio
ore 11.00
Xabier Erkizia (E) - SILENT SOUNDS - looking for soundscapes between the lines

ore 11.50
Dio Anemogiannis (GR) - Soundscaping Ouseburn Lives: An interdisciplinary study about the appropriation of sounds as intangible cultural heritage and their use in the heritage interpretation practice.
Karin Aras (S) - Listen to the Bazaar! A cultural understanding of Sound-rooms

ore 14.30
Vacuamoenia (I) - Metascape | Live streaming of the soundscape of Borgo Regalmici (Sicily)

ore 15.00
Elisa Chiodo (I) - The role of Sound and Communication Design in promotion of the identity of a territory
Emiliano Battistini (I) - Do cities lose their voice? Reflections on the concept of soundmark beginning with four cities

ore 16.20
M. Monari (I) - Ambienti sonori di vita e di lavoro: un caso di identità
M. Viel (I) - Quello che diamo per scontato dei suoni intorno a noi
C.Methrap (TR) - Soundwalking in Kurtulus Park
D. Prior (GB) - Ringing The Changes: an investigation into sound and power

ore 18.20 - Listening session #3
Francesco Fusaro (I) - A Room Of One's Own? 
Fabian, Avila Elizalde (MEX) - Irse (Leaving) 
Alessandra Eramo (D)
- 5am. ILVA's drone and seagulls on Mar Piccolo's wharf, Taranto (Italy) 
- Soundscape of Taranto on Sunset. 
- Flag-lowering cerimony of the Navy, Gunshots and Santa Claus, Sea waves and boats

Valery Vermeulen (B) - Mikromedas 
Pietro La Rocca (I) - 1 Maggio Alimena-festa di S.Giuseppe 
Alexandra Spence (AUS) - Nankai 
Kazuya Ishigami (J) - OHENRO 
Lucio Santin (I) - Sound and Change in Lampedusa

Domenica 24 maggio
ore 10.30
A.C. Montibeller (PE) - Soundscape of Historical Center of Lima- Perú
J. Reinsel (USA) - Sound Cairns: Virtual Spaces

ore 12.10
A. Haun (D) - Denkmal - Hörmal
C. Whright (GB) - The Identity of the Everyday
M. Papadomanolaki (GB) - Perceptive Ecologies In Spaces Of Ephemeral Encounters

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