Radio Papesse | ART AND RADIO ON DEMAND is an online audio archive devoted to contemporary art; it is a place for the documentation and the articulation of a critical discourse around the visual arts and at the same time it is a radio project dedicated to sound art production and distribution. It produces and shares documentaries and interviews, as well as exhibitions and museum collections storytelling. It has embraced radio not only as a medium but also as a language to communicate art making and art practices today. is a webradio and a platform devoted to the production and promotion of experimental sound and radio. is a work-group supporting artistic production.

Since 2006, when it was founded within the Palazzo delle Papesse Contemporary Art Center of Siena, Radio Papesse has produced and commissioned new soundworks, challenging producers and DJs to rethink the rules of traditional audio storytelling. Among the most recent collaborations are: LUCIA Festival | Radio at the movies, 2019-2020; Hospitalité des ambiances sonores et des pratiques acoustiques in collaboration with Pratiques d’Hospitalite? - ESAD Grenoble • Valence, 2018-2020; Children of Unquiet by Mikhail Karikis, 2012-2014; Süden Radio with Villa Romana, Saout Radio and Reboot FM; Nuovi Paesaggi with Lucia Farinati, Viv Corringham, Mikhail Karikis, Laura Malacart, Davide Tidoni and Allen S. Weiss, 2012; La Radio a Pedali, 2011.

Radio Papesse is a non-profit cultural association. 

Radio Papesse was founded in 2006 and it has since then been curated by Carola Haupt and Ilaria Gadenz. Since June 2024 is curated by Carola Haupt and Luisa Santacesaria.
Since 2011 it is a guest at Villa Romana, Florence. Its productions are licensed under Creative Commons and it is a member of the RADIA network.

Creative Commons

Licenza Creative Commons

Born within the then Palazzo delle Papesse, a public center for contemporary art in Siena [Italy], Radio Papesse has always adopted diverse Creative Commons licenses to make its audio contents - sound and radio productions, sound art, interviews, audioguides - circulate in the simplest and our work available to our listeners. We've always supported this idea of sharing, that's why WE are still working under the so-called CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and you are free to:

Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

Attribution - you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use

NonCommercial — you may not use the material for commercial purposes

ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original

No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


During the years we've been lucky enough to work with many people who's work we admire.

Today our main collaborators are:
Muttnik - for everything graphics and the website design
QZR and Odienne - for the programming and website developement
Giulia Del Piero - for whenever we need a video [here is the one produced for our crowdfunding campaign in 2016]

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