Süden Radio 2013
Souvenir (2013) è pensato per essere ascoltato in macchina.
Una donna parla di un viaggio che ha fatto quando era bambina. Descrive un clima mite, sta andando a sud, è molto annoiata….
…So, It’s a story of… It’s a story of a little girl…who, uh…so we don’t know really how old she is…
and... she goes on holiday with her parents, to the edge of the sea, …in a city…or to the country side, this is not, it’s not clear
And…and, she’s bored.
So, there are her brother who’s there
(his brother’s who’s older than herself)
…there too, but, but, this is the age when they get bored, this is the age where they like to moan.
So, They leave by car, and
So so and
They decide to play a lot of small games
a lot of small games
and, he command her to make thing
he says her: “do that, and that…”
They are playing in the car
They play with the cars in front
cars coming in front
Then, They play to do the deads
and or they make faces,
and or as if they were blocked
And then
And then
and then they put against the...against the…uh no, in fact no.
uh.. they are laughing well but they say they get bored.
And then, his parents forced her to visit’s warm
and, that all...So, they visit
things to see, uh, things uh, important things.
It’s important, because…
Marine Angé è nata nel 1988, ha studiato arte a Strasburgo dove ha sviluppato una pratica di improvvisazione vocale e di registrazione. Lavora col suono per installazioni, performance e show radiofonici. Lavora e collabora con collettivi artistici, band, stazioni radio (Arte radio, Radio en Construction, RTBF) e centri di ricerca sonora (Euphonia, G.M.E.A).